Space Mission Roadmap

2014 Challenge

  • Hashtags:

    #spacetech, #spacemissionroadmap


    [email protected]


    Data Visualization, Model

    Design an interactive space mission roadmap based on international space agency roadmaps and mission schedules. You may include links to past and current missions; as well as links to media where available (e.g. launch coverage etc.). Create a notification app for smartphones to push space events of interest to the user: launches, dockings on space livestreams (i.e. ESA-TV, NASA-TV, etc.). Space enthusiasts enjoy watching livestreams by various space agencies but it is hard to keep up with the scheduling of these livestreams. The space community would welcome an app that could notifiy individuals of upcoming events, and potentially livestream the event.


    Current mission data is presented in a static way or very fractionated at different sources in different formats. Combine everything in a single overview.

    Solution Ideas

    Here are some ways for you to frame this solution:

    Push notification app for smartphones regarding space events of interest: launches, dockings etc. on space livestreams (ESA-TV, NASA-TV, etc.);

    Make an interactive version of the roadmap, other roadmaps and schedule of missions;

    Links to past and current missions, links to media where available (e.g. launch coverage etc.); and/or

    Make it sortable by space agency, mission type, planet, etc.

    Sample Resources

  • The following projects are solving this challenge:

    • Dr. Space Mate

      This app is an app that the space enthusiasts community would love. Dr.Space Mate is an app that is an interactive space mission roadmap based on international space agency roadmaps and mission schedules. This would include links to past and current missions; as well as links to media where avail... Visit Project

    • MGF-Android-Push-Map

      Develop back end service for scraping mission data and pushing notifications to Android application. Develop Android application that will receive push notifications and display upcoming mission events and historical data. Visit Project

    • Sunny App

      Sunny App will provide an interactive navigation throughout the App. The App is available on Windows 8 Store, iPad and Android devices. We've created the Apps using the best cross-platform solution Xamarin in combination with MvvmCross. This allows us to use C# and .NET to create full native Apps... Visit Project

    • Are We There Yet?

      We are building an attractive and easy to use interactive visualization for the web of all space missions coming up in the next few years. You should be able to sort by mission type, date, agency, etc. and see what's coming up. Visit Project

    • Liftoff

      ![Alt text]( An interactive visualization for iOS that helps people know what space missions are going on now, what's coming up, and what came before. In addition to showing a mission timeline and pushing notifications for live events, the app provides mission informati... Visit Project

    • Seth

      Seth ========= **S**pace **e**vents **t**racking **h**ub An app for those space enthusiasts that want a briefing of every mission in the palm of their hand. From a general overview to a detailed look **Seth** got it covered of the many things the user can do we will point the most notor... Visit Project

    • SpaceLine

      We created a web site and an android application in order to get informations easily about missions all over the universe. The application offers an intuitive and lovely interface which permits you to choose missions that are completed, in progress or programmed in the future. When you select ... Visit Project

    • inSpace

      This app is a mobile app that would greatly impact the community. inSpace is an interactive app that collects the data from the international space agencies, missions and events. The app would provide live data fetching from the news and events located on the space agency’s web sites. The app pro... Visit Project


      it is an simplified resource bank that can easily guide the users to their appropriate details on nasa space missions Visit Project

    • DSN Now a remake

      We use the date, longitude, latitude of DSN antennae combine to the antennae signal delay, elevation and azimuth. This gives us a set of vectors that we can use to position the mission communicating with the antennae. Our approach takes the vector from Sun to Earth at the specific date, the ... Visit Project


      With SpaceME we are sharing information about what NASA Missions and gather responses from people through the game. Players need to ask as many questions as possible to satisfy their curiosity about what is happening out there in space. We aim, over time, for this to evolve into a vast platform t... Visit Project

    • Chronos

      `Xploration` is an `app` aimed to fulfill the `space` enthusiasts' eagerness for a thorough understanding of space missions by visualizing, on a single mobile app, data otherwise spread all over the web, in order to understand the past, the present and (get a glimpse of ) the future of space expl... Visit Project

    • MissionControl

      This project aims to club space mission information from various sources (ESA, JAXA) into a single space missions roadmap website using rich data visualization techniques. The website is built using Ruby on Rails and uses rich HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript for presentation. Data retrieval mechanism... Visit Project

    • What's next

      #Overview We are aiming to create a one stop resource, providing information on all exploratory missions to other planets and objects in the solar system, including the information we learned and the new technologies developed for each mission. The demo of the resource presents all of the s... Visit Project

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