
NTOSS - NASA Technologist One Stop Shop will provide technology professionals with information about NASA's vendors located in United States. The data will be displayed on a US map with information on each vendor. The database contains information of 133485 contracts with 8669 global vendors having 9725 locations. NAICS descriptions (655) and Product/Service Descriptions (1200) also available for filtering.

This project is solving the NASA Small Business One-Stop challenge.


The project aims to help technology entrepreneurs by provide information of suppliers and vendors. Additionally, the entrepreneurs will be able get all business opportunities offered by NASA. The database contains information of 133485 contracts with 8669 global vendors having 9725 locations. NAICS descriptions (655) and Product/Service Descriptions (1200) also available for filtering.

A data visualization of US Map with information on number of vendors grouped by state is currently available. Other features are under development.

Project Information

License: Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/nkalyankar/ntoss.git


NTOSS website - http://ntoss.teknr.com/


  • Nikhil Kalyankar
