
An android application that tracks a wetland and wetland plants that's available to community users. Also a web based interface and database will be used in the development to store/display and analyze the information regarding wetlands and it's plants. Visualization and geotrigger will be used in android application for sending alert notification based on the position of user and wetland's proximity. Crowd sourcing addition/updating of plant and wetland categories/libraries will be provided .

This project is solving the Track That Wetland challenge.


Android application for tracking and visualizing wetland and it's plants' using android sdk and google map/openstreet map Web based gis analysis and visualization based on PHP, Openlayers, Jquery Unified database based storage using Postgresql and postgis

Project Information

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:


Wetland tracking -


  • Bishrant Adhikari
  • Suresh manandhar
  • Dipesh Suwal
  • Ram Shrestha
  • Madhur Devkota
  • Suman Baral
  • Bishrant Adhikari
