
A game based in the research, exploration and extraction of mineral in 10 different asteroids on 10 levels of difficulty. Each asteroid with different concentration of minerals. Once you have a certain amount of the resource you will be able to exchange it with upgrades in the selfdefense system of your vehicle or in investigations of new asteroids to explore.

This project is solving the Asteroid Prospector challenge.


The main goal in our project is to create interest and curiosity in futures entrepreneurs generations about this new field of mineral space research, offering information to all kind of public of different ages in a fun way, emphasizing the space exploration. The knowledge of the asteroids information comes with the levels that you conquer. The next level will be unlocked once the player subtract the amount of minerals required. The game counts with 10 levels each one of them with 10 asteroids containing different mineral percentages. The levels difficulty will be based on the time the player has to extract as much as possible before the game over for the collations with other asteroids.

Project Information

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Sergio Solares
  • Sergio Solares
  • victor garcia maldonado
  • Nelson Marcelo Ayala
  • Javier Apaza Martinez
  • angela Barraza
  • Roger Apaza
