
This project demonstrates the use of Android smartphones as an on-board computer in a robot. Modern day smartphones possess incredible processing speed, lots of sensors, and intuitive programming interface. And this is the outcome of the project : a Smartphone based robot named Android Rover. Android Rover is a robot built upon the Dagu Rover Robot Chassis. It uses an Android IOIO Board which serves as a communication bridge between the Android Smartphone and external devices.

This project is solving the ExoMars Rover is My Robot challenge.


Android Rover is basically a surveillance robot like the ExoMars Rover, but it uses the computational power of an Android Smartphone for carrying out its tasks. Using the powerful OpenCV Libraries for Android, the robot can track, identify and follow a specific object, at the same time providing a real-time view of what it is seeing. A Gripper at the front allows certain objects to be picked up, and analyzed via the Smartphone Camera.

This project has not yet submitted a Source Code/Project URL

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)



  • Ashim Sitoula
  • swadesh sedai
