Solar System Habitats

2014 Challenge

  • Hashtags:

    #spaceflight, #solarsyshabitats


    [email protected]


    Data Visualization, Model

    Challenge Description

    Create an app that provides real-time notification when the rocky planets and moons of the solar system have surface temperatures that are possible for human habitation .

    Some planets and moons have temperatures that are within a habitable range for a limited time at points of their orbit. Similarly, there are times in an orbit when a section of a planet or moon rotates from facing away from the sun to facing towards the sun or Mercury, the Moon, and Mars. This capability could indicate the possibilities out in the solar system where humans can survive on solid ground.


    A number of missions are dedicated to orbiting certain planets in the solar system with such a frequency that enables the detection of changes in surface temperature via remote sensing. In addition, spectrometers within the visible spectral range can be used to determine the spectral lines where absorption or the transmissivity in the planetary atmosphere maximizes and determine the color of the sky one could see. Ice cover can be detected by imagery. A measure for ultraviolet protection is Ozone detection.


    · The app can allow users to select a temperature range, and include the set of objects in our solar system that have the potential for being within the selected temperature range.

    · The app can have the capability to send users a real-time notification of when a region on one of these bodies demonstrates temperatures within the target range.

    · The app can provide search results about other parameters that are decoupled from the temperature criteria, such as sky color, longest night in the solar system, ice cover, clouds, UV protection – which could enable gaseous planets to be included in the results.

    · Developers can use data from dedicated missions such as Mars Express and rovers, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), Venus Express, and Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE).

    Sample resources

  • The following projects are solving this challenge:

    • Real-Time Solar Climate

      This project aims to provide a common service for different, configurable feeds of climate data. Feeds to listen to can be configured from remote Mars rover sensor data, local (Earth-based) climate stations, or any other feeds that can connect to the service and provide compatible sensor data. Visit Project

    • IR check in

      Using IR check-in users will be able to do the following 1. View a list of all planets in our solar system including the information regarding every planet atmospheric conditions. 2. Be able to determine whether it is viable for a human to live on a particular planet given its present atm... Visit Project

    • life-without-limits

      In this project we will work on a system that is compused by three applications, the first one is an Arduino device that send information about the temperature from the planet where is placed, the second one is an application that receive the data temperature which is processed and after that the... Visit Project

    • ARCA (Ambient in Real-time of Cosmos App)

      It is an app very simple to understand and navigate trough. The general population will have access to all the wealth of information that is obtained by the different space missions and research conducted by NASA. An additional value is the aspect of interactivity and social interaction becau... Visit Project

    • Habitable Zones

      We were very much inspired by 'Personal Cosmos' which took static pictures and projected them onto a three dimensional space as a way of visualizing beautiful images. We wanted to use this artistic tool to instead visualize real, dynamic data as a different way to study the very real need to sear... Visit Project

    • ARCA

      Esta aplicaciones mostrará notificaciones en tiempo real de los planetas o lunas dentro del sistema solar que en determinado momento sea óptimo para la vida humana, así como también información respecto a la composición de estos mismos. Visit Project

    • SSPIA

      Using data from MAAS API and other sources this app shows basic information of planets of the solar system and their most notable satellites. Users can get notified when temperature is in a specified range if it were "earth time" on the specified planet. Calculations are done based on the maximum... Visit Project

    • habitablezones

      We were very much inspired by 'Personal Cosmos' which took static pictures and projected them onto a three dimensional space as a way of visualizing beautiful images. We wanted to use this artistic tool to instead visualize real, dynamic data as a different way to study the very real need to sear... Visit Project

    • TalkMak

      We are creating a solution for the solar system habitats challenge. Visit Project

    • habitats del sistema solar

      el objetivo del proyecto es llevar informacion acerca de los planetas y lunas del sistema solar, tratandose basicamente de la temperatura en ese momento de los respectivos planetas o lunas, detectando si alguna de las temperaturas registradas entra entre el rango considerable en la que los humano... Visit Project

    • Can I Stay there?

      we create an application able of displaying the planets zones where temperatures are suitable for humans for a certain time, this application shows the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. automatically send notifications showing us places where we can dwell for a while as temperature and that... Visit Project


      Solución que proporcione notificaciones en tiempo real cuando los planetas y lunas del sistema solar, tengan temperaturas superficiales que sean viables para la habitación humana. Visit Project

    • Solar Hab

      Solar hab allows a user to select a set of temperature range, and interested planet that exist in the solar system in order to receive real-time notification of when the planets of the solar system have surface temperatures that are possible for human habitation. The app also provides search resu... Visit Project

    • SolarHab

      Still to come Visit Project

    • Hábitat del Sistema Solar

      Aplicación que permite al usuario configurar alertas en tiempo real de planetas que cumplen las condiciones de habitabilidad, como son temperatura, presión, gravedad. Al mismo tiempo comparte vía twitter las notificaciones cada 10 minutos de planetas con temperaturas dentro de un rango determinado. Visit Project

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