
This app is a mobile app that would greatly impact the community. inSpace is an interactive app that collects the data from the international space agencies, missions and events. The app would provide live data fetching from the news and events located on the space agency’s web sites.

This project is solving the Space Mission Roadmap challenge.


This app is a mobile app that would greatly impact the community. inSpace is an interactive app that collects the data from the international space agencies, missions and events. The app would provide live data fetching from the news and events located on the space agency’s web sites. The app provides information and description about the different events held by the space agencies and additional data about the past, current, and missions in development. The missions and events pages will also include media related to the event or mission. The media refers to image, videos, live streams, etc… We are confident that this app will greatly impact the community interested about the space and will change the way that the people are being informed about the space missions being held by the space agencies.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:


inSpace -
Video -
Presentation -


  • Мартин  Тимов
  • Мартин  Солев
  • Александар  Спасески
  • Александар  Тасески
  • Ташо  Ќосев
