
This project is solving the Earth Observation Visualization challenge.

Description: We will analize NASA's data from fire and we will put then on a global map, with 24 and 48 hours maps, we will filter the data to get only when more than a 90% chances to be a fire and not a wrong data The second part will be one sms alert if you are near a fire with your real GPS position.

System arquitecture: We have a web page to visualize the data on a 24 hours and a 48 hours maps, also we allow the user to send the real position if a fire a is found that will be include to the map. The page can be visualized on a mobile phone with your real position and all the fires around the world, then you can watch if a fire is near

Future plans - We want to know when a fire is off if the place was a forest, a city - What continents/countries have the higher fires and the more quantity. - We want to know if the NASA's data is correct and what % is real every day. - We want do know the cost to replace the trees and the area that has been destroyed - We want to add more layers to the map with roads, fireman dept, hospitals

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Jorge Lopez
  • Raúl Encinas
  • Antonio Gracia
