This project is solving the Earth Images From Space Station challenge. Description
Space From Home
Use Case and data processing
The user gets to the landing page where they are greeted with copy by the cosmic kids (Cosmic Carl and Cosmic Candice). The user is prompted to ask any space question they have by either typing into the text box or speaking into the mic. If they speak into the mic, their voice prompt is converted into text and inserted into the text box. After the user clicks 'Submit', the application parses out keywords and incorporates the child's IP address to build a Google query for images from NASA and Hubbell Telescope for related images.
The next page continues the 'Space Story' dialogue drives the notion that their question was answered from space, hence, generating a connection between their untethered imagination and the reality of Space as it exists today from the ISS. Images relevant to their question are displayed. We also use the geolocation supplied by the user's IP address to query earth images of their neighborhood as seen from Space.
Technologies Used:
- Ruby on Rails
- Javascript
- HTML 5 audio input
- ruby gem Geocoder
- ruby gem Alchemy and Alchemy text analysis api
- Google custom search api
- Android SDK
- XML and virtual earth
- Postgresql
Project Information
License: MIT license (MIT)
Source Code/Project URL: