
Space Explorers is a mobile game for Android And Windows Phone devices that teaches people about their local comunities, the earth and the universe through information gathered by NASA. The game has a story about a young boy that searchs to become an astronaut and you'll be able to help him achieve his goal by answering the questions the game provides. The game has several levels and, as you play through them, the questions start to become more difficult.

This project is solving the Where on Earth challenge.


Space Explorers is a game that allows users to compete between each other to gain the score lead by showing their knowledge about their local zone, their country, the earth and even the universe. The app was design for Windows Phone and Android devices. The main objective is to teach the people about the information NASA has of their local comunities and the universe

You will start the game with local questions about geography and data recolected by NASA and given by the user through the "Question Factory". Here the user will use his knowledge about the culture and geography that surrounds them. The objective of this part is that the user learns how to use the game as well as giving him information he probably didn't knew about his area. Later on, the area of the questions will grow into country size and so on until the questions about the universe appear. We created a map in which the user has to answer questions in order to pass to the next level. Each of the questions has a particular category that is represented by the color of the stage.

Project Information

License: GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL-3.0)"

Source Code/Project URL:


Presentación (SPA) -


  • Lucio Eduardo Sanchez Peñaloza
  • Juan Pablo Flores
  • César Islas
  • Cesar Cardenas
  • Salvador Maurilio
  • Luis Alberto Villeda Comonfort
