
The purpose of the application is to take a picture of a leaf with a smartphone camera and predict the percentage of the leaf that has been injured by ozone.

This project is solving the Leaf Me Alone challenge.


As a researcher you want to examine the impact of the pollution by the ozone on the leaves. As a result of this need we decided to develop a novel solution to this problem.

The solution we proposed is based on a smartphone solution (Android). The computational part is performed on a different machine because of the heavy computations needed by our machine learning solution. One of the main difficulties we encountered was the lack of data for training of our algorithms. Therefore, we hand picked pictures of leaves with their corresponding pollution level from the Internet and we created a small data set. In order, to improve the performance of our solution we can always expand the data set.

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Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/georgioupanayiotis/leafmeter/


Logo - https://github.com/georgioupanayiotis/leafmeter/blob/master/logo.png
Splash screen - https://github.com/georgioupanayiotis/leafmeter/blob/master/splashscreen.png
Youtube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anWH0qTOgVc&feature=youtu.be


  • George Trigeorgis
  • Panayiotis Georgiou
