
The purpose of this project to create a system that sits on the user’s person in an unobtrusive manner (similar to Google Glass) and monitors his or her emotional health based on facial and pupil analysis.

This project is solving the SpaceT challenge.


Emotional Health - Spaces Apps Plan

Goal: The purpose of this project to create a system that sits on the user’s person in an unobtrusive manner (similar to Google Glass) and monitors his or her emotional health based on facial and pupil analysis.

Deliverables: - functional emotion analysis software - functional UI for results / data display (either website or smartphone app) - 3D design and model of the camera / mount rig

Implementation: - facial expression analysis - pupil analysis (future use)

Software: - clmtrackr - additional software for display / user interface - saving emotion history to Evernote (https://sandbox.evernote.com/)

Hardware Plan: - small camera - compact mounting rig to place camera on glasses

Emotion Data Mathematical Proofs - Y_(emotional state)= β_0-β_Sad x_sad-β_Surprised x_Surprised+β_Happy x_Happy-β_angry x_angry+ ε - Y ̂(emotional rate)= 1.58245 -0.405465x(Angry )-21.4318x_sad -4.17484x_surprised +19.7326x_happy

-Using the data output from the device, we are building a statistical model to predict the overall emotional state of NASA astronauts.

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/jun784/emotionalhealth


clmtrackr - https://github.com/auduno/clmtrackr
Evernote - http://dev.evernote.com/


  • sushmitha choudhary
  • Jun Kawasaki
  • Zalika Corbett
  • Kela Roberts
  • Everton Yoshitani
  • Yuichi Yazaki
  • Viplav Valluri
  • Zalika Corbett
  • Viplav Valluri
