
People are forgetful. This app makes sure that future space travelers are well equipped and ready before they begin their spacewalk. By utilizing QR codes, we make it easy for space tourists to track of what they are wearing by scanning the QR codes present on each of the respective parts of the space suit.

This project is solving the SpaceT challenge.


An Android App that will utilize QR Codes to help keep space tourist track of their equipment, shuttle, and environment. The app uses QR codes, each of which is unique to the special equipment, to make sure the tourist has everything he or she needs on themselves. Furthermore, this app tracks the humidity, light, temperature, water levels, oxygen levels, and magnetic field strength of its environment. The app also has a built in functionality that warns you if you are going too fast through space or rotating too quickly. Furthermore, it notifies you, when you are about to go for a spacewalk, if it is good idea to go or not depending upon if you are wearing what you need to wear. These are the central features of the app, which is important for any space traveler to have for his or her safety.

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/prithvi2502/SpaceEmberApp.git


Bar Codes - https://github.com/prithvi2502/QRCodes
Instructions for using the app - https://github.com/prithvi2502/Instructions.git


  • Prithviraj Vishwakarma
