
Ways to Die is a mobile application for Windows Phone which allows you to see the way you will probably exit this planet due to the climate change effects in your neighborhood. It retrieves climate data and predictions from NASA for 1950 to 2099. By presenting the data in an interactive, playful, Facebook connected and easy-to-use interface, which follows a gaming flow, we help raise awareness about climate change in people. Everyone can use it! >Follow us @ClimateDead

This project is solving the Climate and My Neighborhood challenge.


Ways to Die

Team: Drunk Puppy Tea Theatre

> What is Ways to Die?

Ways to Die is a mobile application for Windows Phone that can help you predict how you will leave thise world based on climate-related data for your neighborhood. The app retrieves climate data and predictions from NASA for the period of 1950 to 2099 (1). The way the data is presented is interactive, fast and with an easy-to-use interface, and users can share their way to die on Facebook.

Everybody can use it!

> Our Aim

This project aims at effectively engaging people and decision makers around the world in order to improve their behavior and their impact on climate change.

> How do we achieve our aim with this app?

We created this app including a gaming flow that more easily engages users and helps to raise awareness in them. In addition, the data source used for this friendly application is reliable and refreshed constantly by NASA.

Below are some screenshots displaying the gaming flow of the application.




> What we would add in Ways to Die version 2

More ways to die

Integration of more social media channels (such as Twitter, Instagram)

Picture-share feature

Map search

Cool random feature

> About us

7 nationalities who met in the Tampere Space Apps Challenge and found out that they are in love with beer, puppies, tea, and theatre. They are also deeply concerned about global Issues and have different levels of geek inside. Follow us on Twitter: @vpalacin @schmimai @PhilippeLuickx @KatrinaSunny


Project Information

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/philippeluickx/howdoyouwanttodie


Application Code - https://github.com/vladcristea/WaysToDieClimate
Presentation resources - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0fmrijNQObDRVRyMlNYNlV2SUk&usp=sharing


  • Dumitru Coretchi
  • Maike Schmidt
  • Vlad Cristea
  • Ekaterina Abakumova
  • Philippe Luickx
