
An app that will show the beautiful creation of God The PLANET EARTH. This app will show beautiful pictures of Earth taken over the past decades and make them available in the form of an app. This will include features that will help people realize the beauty and glory that Planet Earth has lost and thus make them to restore the lost glory of Earth. This app will call for action and help people contribute towards making the earth a better place.

This project is solving the Earth As Art challenge.


An app that will show the beautiful creation of God The PLANET EARTH. This app will show beautiful pictures of Earth taken over the past decades and make them available in the form of an app. This will include features that will help people realize the beauty and glory that Planet Earth has lost and thus make them to restore the lost glory of Earth. This app will call for action and help people contribute towards making the earth a better place.

This project has not yet submitted a Source Code/Project URL

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)



  • christiana john
  • jaya sheela
  • RUTH pushpa latha
