
My project is about building a spacecraft that can send to smaller probes to an asteroid to study it's properties. Further more the bigger spacecraft will have a SAA which means a Sample analysis on asteroid so when the 2 smaller spacecraft are done they will fly back to the bigger spacecraft for analysis. This will benfit in a way scientists can find new minerals and rocks that may help mankind and humanity.

This project is solving the ASTEX - Asteroid Exploration challenge.


My project aims to achieve how scientists can make use of new materiel's for mankind. This will be achieved by making a spacecraft that is carrying 2 smaller probes that will dig into an asteroid and study the properties of the rock and/or metals.

This project has not yet submitted a Source Code/Project URL

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)


Image of asteroid Explorer -


  • Joshua Hu
