
We used XBee module configuration: master and slave nodes, and used a XBIB-U-DEV development kit to connect the master to the PC. Instead of using sensors we connected trimmers and made a simulation of how the system will work. The XBee modules we used have an outdoor range of 90m. (XBee PRO have outdoor range of 1600m). To configure the communication between master and slave nodes we used the X-CTU application, and created a web interface to represent the data in real-time.

This project is solving the Cool it! challenge.


The web interface we created represents data in real-time and has the goal to educate community members about the difference in temperature in downtown and suburban areas addressing the heat island effect. Further we plan to implement a graph charts and visual maps to show the warmest areas in the city so people can take those information in consideration in case of planning to live, build or visit some place. We also plan to make a mobile application that shows local temperatures in three colors (red, yellow, green), information about heat island effect and info on how we can mitigate it. Also it will show the location of local cool stations.

This project has not yet submitted a Source Code/Project URL

Project Information

License: GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL-3.0)"


Presentation -


  • Nikola Kjurchiski
  • Александра  Денковска
  • Ирена  Јовановска
  • Дијана  Ќурчиска
  • Емрах  Асаноски
  • Ивана Николова
