
This project isn't really to create a satellite. The idea is create a mini space drone to take fotographs out of the spacecraft. We can use this drone to review the structure of the spacecraft, or for help to prepare EVAs. The ship could attached the drone in one side offering photos and / or video of the launch.

This project is solving the PhoneSat: Convert Your Smartphone Into a Satellite challenge.


Our mini drone would be made by a service module consists of a arduino card, a bottle of compressed air, pipes and valves that allow the mobility of our drone. The payload would consist of the smartphone would be responsible for taking pictures or videos with camera, save it to memory and transmit them via Wifi, in addition to controlling the the drone position through arduino card connected via usb. The dron stay in its dock charging the battery and the air tank, until is necesary. In this moment go out of the dock, free or with a security cable.

If have a security cable, the crew can use all the charge of the air tank or the battery, and when they finish, the crew can pickup to the ship the drone. The security cable would drag the dron to its port, where the ship could recharge the mobile battery and the air tank.

The battery can also be recharged via solar panels.

The ship could attached the drone in one side offering photos and / or video of the launch.

See the accompanying graphics.

Project Information

License: GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Vicente Garcia SAlas
