
This project is focus on create a notificaction system that allow the people to know the current state of each planet or moons on solar system, based on the temperature, topology and also the codition to habit.

This project is solving the Solar System Habitats challenge.


In this project we will work on a system that is compused by three applications, the first one is an Arduino device that send information about the temperature from the planet where is placed, the second one is an application that receive the data temperature which is processed and after that the application sends the notification to the people that are connected with their Android device, which one need an internet connection to get information on real time.

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • maria fernanda del castillo
  • sergio mejia iraiz
  • Gabriel Edgar Delgado Rocha
  • jose colina
  • Gabriel Edgar Delgado Rocha
