
Tracking system consists of a mechanical carrying and drive part that drives the receiver of solar energy and electronic components, mechanical control. For maximum efficiency, solar collectors and solar cells must be placed at an angle to the horizon, equal to the angle of latitude.

This project is solving the ExoMars Rover is My Robot challenge.


There are a number of good reasons to choose to tracking stationary (fixed position relative to the sun) photovoltaic system (save space and funds from large areas of photovoltaics, ceteris paribus, to produce the same output tracking system will need much less space compared with the stationary). When using the two axis tracking system under which the time of perpendicularity between the panels and the sun is larger, increasing the efficiency of the panel by about 35-40%.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://code.google.com/p/nasa-project/source/browse/trunk/


Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Vs2YdV_sA&feature=youtu.be


  • Nikolay Nikolov
  • Petar Nestorov
  • Petar Nestorov
