This project is solving the Asteroid Prospector challenge. Description
Goal In After Dawn, the objective is to reach Ceres and return to Earth with valuable information. There is an initial budget to this mission and the player starts with limited fuel. On the way to Ceres you stop by asteroids to fuel up and repair damages if any. On the asteroids there are two operations to be done; “Mining” and “Manufacturing”. You can spend money to buy and upgrade these technologies.
Technologies: Mining Manufacturing and 3D Printing
Collectables Metals (valuables) Volatiles (fuel)
Dangers and Threads Cosmic radiation Small asteroids Space junk
Asteroids Friendly ones, which include random amount of Metals and Volatile Harmful ones; either hazardous or very small to land
Victory Condition Player successfully reaches Ceres.
Failure Condition Player runs out of fuel or receives severe damage.
Score Valuable minerals collected - Time penalty
Project Information
License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)
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