
Genesis is a future 2D game made in Unity3D when resources on planet Earth are depleted. It is the year of 2087 when the human civilization has achieved well-established colonies on Mars as a result of a catastrophe that acted as a catalyst in their survival. Being cautious of never repeating a similar mistake, they have devised a plan Genesis to create habitats on Titan, one of the moons of Jupiter.

This project is solving the Asteroid Prospector challenge.


How about reading something fun and short before starting on this complex paragraph?

So let our ABIT team tell you a story, a story of our idea, The Idea for interplanetary expansion

The Idea

Human species are an ambitious one. Once or twice a century, an ascension emerges in their planetary growth. As a result NASA imagined a spacecraft fully sustainable for a prolonged exploration through space, the final frontier. Unfortunately the technology they possessed was unable to meet their requirements for a journey such as this one. So they employed the greatest minds the planet Earth had to offer in order to assemble a program which would be a starting point for the idea of interstellar travel.

They tirelessly worked on segments of the problem and though they made substantial improvements in medicine, gastronomy, technology etc. there seemed to be a single issue which they were unable to solve. Time. Their ambitious ideas and innovations would be unable to sustain humans in space for a prolonged period of time. During which they would most probably suffocate, starve or resort to cannibalism.

Fortunately there was a sociologist who gave an intriguing metaphor.

She started with a question: “Why do we live with our parents?”

Everyone gasped at this ridiculous question.

She continued: “Well it is quite evident that the younglings are constantly being provided for by their parents. They feel content with the environment they are currently at.”

At this point every scientist in the room felt that it was beneficial to hear the end of this motivating story.

To such she added: “We might think that having a journey of such endurance requires being prepared beforehand with sufficient elements. Quite the contrary, really. Throughout our youth, our parents nurture us by providing food, medicine and amusement. So who are the parents in space? “

An astronomer replied: “An intriguing story, you have told. You are quite correct, we are unable to provide our travelers with sufficient stock to last. Though space is vast, it is often empty.”

Another colleague asked: “But what of asteroids, moons and debris? Why are we unable to use them? It is clear that asteroids possess necessary elements for a ship to play skip stone to its destination.”

And with these three, an idea emerged. Later a model and even a prototype simulation emerged capable of providing these scientists with means to jump start such a complex idea.

The Cause

It is the year of 2084 where the human civilization has grown over 10 billion. And still, there is much to be done. Though older generations passed on The Idea, many bright, young and old are struggling to implement it. There have been debates, simulations, improvements and even a fully operational prototype of a robot miner called Wall-C.

Unfortunately our civilization is coming to an end. Though we have improved in many aspects, we have fallen in the right ones. One of which is that there are too many humans for the Earth to accommodate. We have depleted our resources, we are barely producing artificial alternatives at a higher price and the debris is piling up into our everyday lives. Much is not the same from times when we enjoyed life dashing through nature, being inspired by our picturesque mountains and rivers, took long and refreshing breaths.

Now we are unable to breathe without our gMask which is filtering much of the populated oxygen. The mountains have been excavated for precious minerals. And the rivers, lakes and oceans have been harvested for water as a resource to keep our nuclear factories operational. Though we are still consuming water on daily bases, the price is quite steep in order to purchase it in nearby stores.

As such, a treaty was made and each nation assisted in development and research for The Idea, mass producing appropriate materials and elements for construction for this great project. Though it was calculated the construction would take ten years to complete, we were unable to foresee if we could manage living on our planet Earth for so long.

Only after three years of constant work, a catastrophe struck Europe. As a result of increasing the carbon dioxide through excavation of the polar ice for minerals the ozone layer grew in size increasing the radiation from the Sun to a degree that would be able to bend metal. It was a grim day for planet Earth when half the population perished through Level 0 burns. Many companies took action with increasing the percentage of funds and personal to shorten the period by half.

Three years later the project was complete. Quite fortunately really since the spacecraft was able to accommodate 7 billion people out of 5 billion residents on Earth. This was the greatest achievement the human civilization has ever accomplished. Though there were insurmountable hurdles that we have jumped over, the philanthropy of the human hearth was everywhere to found. And within 10 days every human and creature on planet Earth (except for robot assistants) left for a long journey to the planet Mars. We would finally be able to colonize another planet which was made inhabitable by periodical nourishment from specially designed robots.

Years went by and the human species grew to their previous glory. They have ascended to heights unimaginable they thought possible. Achievements in prolonging lifespan, improving technology and nurturing animals created an environment where every creature on the ship Idea lived in ease and prosperity. Finally they arrived on planet Mars and realized immediately that if current residents should live in harmony, they have to construct other ships as soon as possible. So the descendants of the original Idea came to an agreement that the next journey should be to one of the moons of planet Jupiter, Titan. And ironically the plan was named Genesis.

Project Information

License: Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8cm7bv2mqd2p2or/LGmVjOHLiU


Unity3D game engine - https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules
Jet Propulsion Laboratory - http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi
Phillip Metzger blog - http://www.philipmetzger.com/blog/type-of-asteroid-to-mine-part-3/
Our presentation - http://prezi.com/ysvgeolfz88o/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
Our documentation - https://www.dropbox.com/s/dl34x1ot77q6wac/ABIT%20documentation.docx


  • Александар  Богатинов
  • Снежана  Дичевска
  • Дарко  Тодоровски
  • Христина  Клинчарова
  • Филип  Стаменков
